Our Core Beliefs

We at Nature Tamers believe in providing quality workmanship at a reasonable price. We are committed to our customer’s success. We pledge to give you our best effort. We pledge to use our creativity and experience to help you, our customer to navigate the issues you are challenged with.

We do not do everything. We do however have great partnerships with companies that can help where we cannot. All that being said, we do many things and the things we do, we do very well.


We Work With You

We hope you find working with us to be different than other companies. We are committed to helping. We work with you to define the needs you have. If there are parts needed, we pass our cost for materials directly through to you. We do not mark up parts. We bill simply for our time and level of effort needed.  We are comfortable providing Time and Material quotes. We can also provide you with a fixed price quote based on our experience and what we think will be needed to achieve the job. With a fixed price quote, when agreed to, we ask for 50% down and the rest upon successful completion of the work.


Often with jobs, new needs arise during the project and we would love to help you solve those as well. If a new need does arise we will provide you with a quote for the additional needs and add them to our schedule.


We know your time is important. We are committed to meeting your schedule.

How We Do What We Do

1)   You contact us either by phone, email, Facebook or Yelp.

2)    At a designated time we come and look at the issue or issues you have and help you define the need with our Site Report form. For many things we can give you a rough estimate of costs and sometimes even an immediate quote (If research is needed we will provide actual costs of materials and a full price quote via email or come by and discuss it if needed).

3)    If you like what you see and decide to use us, we require 50% up front to cover the costs of materials and the balance upon successful completion of the defined work.

4)    We show up and exceed your expectations.

5)    We ask you to spread the word of us and give us your recommendation.


Call us at (828) 507-2735 or email us at Help@NatureTamersNC.com We can help!!!

Visit us on Yelp and  FaceBook